
Trinity Lutheran School was opened in September of 1943 with one teacher instructing Grades 1 through 8; enrollment at the beginning of the year was 16 and by the closing of the first year had grown to 36. The “school” was the parish hall located at the corner of Pickering and Penn Streets in Whittier. (Pictured at right - Teacher - Miss Amelia Storandt)

In 1949 Trinity Church purchased the property on Floral Drive, the present site of the church and school plant. Three classrooms were constructed in 1950 and served the needs of the school until 1953 when three additional classrooms were constructed giving the school a total of six modern classrooms sufficient in size to accommodate and enrollment in excess of 200 pupils. (Pictured above - First graduation, 1944)

In 1958 the congregation dedicated its new parish hall. This structure (12,000 sq. ft.) is a multi purpose building serving the needs of the church office, council meeting room, kitchen, Braille workroom, ESS, Preschool and Director of Christian Education. From 1960-1968 the northwest wing of the parish hall was used for the Kindergarten. The Kindergarten was located in the school building in 1968.

An additional three rooms and the Mattie Messimer Library were dedicated in 1982 making a total of 9 separate classrooms, teachers lounge, school office, and principals office.

In September of 2016, seventy-three years and thousands of students later, we gently closed the doors of the school for the last time with love and appreciation for the pastors, principals, teachers, secretaries, part-time staff members, parents, students, and congregation members who have tenderly sustained this ministry for generations.

We have an active alumni group on Facebook.  Stop in and say hi!

